Lastest updates from
ID | Gem | Version | Body | Updated At |
xO3FsDaoUzJkbPlRWs11W |
newrelic-infinite_tracingThe New Relic Ruby agent requires the gem newrelic_rpm, and it includes distributed tracing that uses head-based sampling (standard distributed tracing). If you want distributed tracing to use tail-based sampling (Infinite Tracing), you need to add both newrelic_rpm and newrelic-infinite_tracing to your application's Gemfile. For more information, see: New Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc ( New Relic provides you with deep information about the performance of your web application as it runs in production. The New Relic Ruby agent is dual-purposed as a either a Gem or plugin, hosted on |
9.16.1 | Content{ "name": "newrelic-infinite_tracing", "downloads": 1918251, "version": "9.16.1", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T19:46:11.434Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Tanna McClure, Kayla Reopelle, James Bunch, Hannah Ramadan", "info": "The New Relic Ruby agent requires the gem newrelic_rpm, and it includes distributed\ntracing that uses head-based sampling (standard distributed tracing).\n\nIf you want distributed tracing to use tail-based sampling (Infinite Tracing),\nyou need to add both newrelic_rpm and newrelic-infinite_tracing to your application's\nGemfile. For more information, see:\n\nNew Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic,\nInc ( New Relic provides you with deep\ninformation about the performance of your web application as it runs\nin production. The New Relic Ruby agent is dual-purposed as a either a\nGem or plugin, hosted on\n", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "homepage_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "fb764330b14628f747ede509e334e9be820496313982ec62fb46bc3bf878fb82", "spec_sha": "721b3846f133f48391958da18df3215ad6d1986faa24a5f3da934cd50b032005", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "bundler", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "grpc-tools", "requirements": "~> 1.14" }, { "name": "guard", "requirements": "~> 2.16.0" }, { "name": "guard-minitest", "requirements": "~> 2.4.0" }, { "name": "listen", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "minitest", "requirements": "~> 5.15" }, { "name": "minitest-stub-const", "requirements": "= 0.6" }, { "name": "mocha", "requirements": "~> 1.9.0" }, { "name": "rake", "requirements": "= 12.3.3" }, { "name": "rb-inotify", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "simplecov", "requirements": ">= 0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-protobuf", "requirements": "< 4.0" }, { "name": "grpc", "requirements": "~> 1.34" }, { "name": "newrelic_rpm", "requirements": "= 9.16.1" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 19:46:14 UTC |
j-g2XjkzJpWP7PHyCzq59 |
newrelic_rpmNew Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic, Inc ( New Relic provides you with deep information about the performance of your web application as it runs in production. The New Relic Ruby agent is dual-purposed as a either a Gem or plugin, hosted on |
9.16.1 | Content{ "name": "newrelic_rpm", "downloads": 153056045, "version": "9.16.1", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T19:46:08.856Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Tanna McClure, Kayla Reopelle, James Bunch, Hannah Ramadan", "info": "New Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic,\nInc ( New Relic provides you with deep\ninformation about the performance of your web application as it runs\nin production. The New Relic Ruby agent is dual-purposed as a either a\nGem or plugin, hosted on\n\n", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "homepage_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "ba1d9b7c2b5f3770a2b9c1f083b88c9dca5a10b1b0bc65c4fd165f8b0e855f86", "spec_sha": "9f7540eeb555ba9416e6075ed48db9f128ede1c3310338c0f1d9f3cb430b1710", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "bundler", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "minitest", "requirements": "= 5.3.3" }, { "name": "minitest-stub-const", "requirements": "= 0.6" }, { "name": "mocha", "requirements": "~> 1.16" }, { "name": "mutex_m", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "ostruct", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "rack", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "rake", "requirements": "= 12.3.3" }, { "name": "rubocop", "requirements": "= 1.57.2" }, { "name": "rubocop-ast", "requirements": "= 1.28.1" }, { "name": "rubocop-minitest", "requirements": "= 0.27.0" }, { "name": "rubocop-performance", "requirements": "= 1.16.0" }, { "name": "rubocop-rake", "requirements": "= 0.6.0" }, { "name": "simplecov", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "warning", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "yard", "requirements": ">= 0" } ], "runtime": [] } } |
2024-12-04 19:46:13 UTC |
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jekyll-animate-elementsUse css animations to consecutively animate html elements in a Jekyll page. |
0.0.3 | Content{ "name": "jekyll-animate-elements", "downloads": 57, "version": "0.0.3", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T19:41:47.990Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "George Corrêa de Araújo", "info": "Use css animations to consecutively animate html elements in a Jekyll page.", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "metadata": {}, "yanked": false, "sha": "cd11a1d121ae601c95c491239601c4b07d73ff33b29c00738e5ccc77f7ce37af", "spec_sha": "f32f909e41a4ed884e71d0c7ef14f306e82f50e568124e17755a5f4772bfaecb", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": null, "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "bundler", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "nokogiri", "requirements": ">= 0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "jekyll", "requirements": ">= 3.6, < 5.0" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 19:41:51 UTC |
jtp3D23JQxQpnz-11R5iu |
chemineeCheminée: The Chemical Structure Search Engine |
0.1.45 | Content{ "name": "cheminee", "downloads": 44250, "version": "0.1.45", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T19:31:21.121Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Xavier Lange", "info": "Cheminée: The Chemical Structure Search Engine", "licenses": [ "Unlicense" ], "metadata": {}, "yanked": false, "sha": "2acf85762551ad2928d4d87ff9e636d6037627c6841f5d209d142a69d6704a8d", "spec_sha": "a307b329fefcc50ee2bfcdd68f08676b5eb4afa1f624a21046d3e6da4a0d26c5", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "rspec", "requirements": "~> 3.6, >= 3.6.0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "faraday", "requirements": ">= 1.0.1, < 3.0" }, { "name": "faraday-multipart", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "marcel", "requirements": ">= 0" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 19:31:24 UTC |
ItIFrHrfLUjnxGg0OVb6n |
geocoderObject geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (coordinates to street address), distance queries for ActiveRecord and Mongoid, result caching, and more. Designed for Rails but works with Sinatra and other Rack frameworks too. |
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2024-12-04 19:25:39 UTC |
rMkN0zPJIL9t9M6hkiZn- |
opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_model_serializersActive Model Serializers instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework |
0.20.3 | Content{ "name": "opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_model_serializers", "downloads": 6718079, "version": "0.20.3", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T19:23:03.396Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "OpenTelemetry Authors", "info": "Active Model Serializers instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "13334c0d9f37873ef33ae09d380c17ab16c81591a513d66ffbf5f746cb685b06", "spec_sha": "658b44ddfde4b2d53820759f1ae448f4514ddf2b015be91ef91187f5d9011da5", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "active_model_serializers", "requirements": ">= 0.10.0" }, { "name": "appraisal", "requirements": "~> 2.5" }, { "name": "bundler", "requirements": "~> 2.4" }, { "name": "minitest", "requirements": "~> 5.0" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-sdk", "requirements": "~> 1.1" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-test-helpers", "requirements": "~> 0.3" }, { "name": "rspec-mocks", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "rubocop", "requirements": "~> 1.68.0" }, { "name": "rubocop-performance", "requirements": "~> 1.23.0" }, { "name": "simplecov", "requirements": "~> 0.17.1" }, { "name": "webmock", "requirements": "~> 3.24.0" }, { "name": "yard", "requirements": "~> 0.9" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "opentelemetry-api", "requirements": "~> 1.0" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_support", "requirements": ">= 0.6.0" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-instrumentation-base", "requirements": "~> 0.22.1" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 19:23:08 UTC |
2_QeFV5u9Kgh3XNmKh0zL |
brickAuto-create models, views, controllers, and routes with this slick Rails extension |
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2024-12-04 19:18:37 UTC |
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makitCI/CD tools for Ruby developers. |
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2024-12-04 19:14:57 UTC |
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cybrid_api_bank_rubyView our documentation at |
0.123.55 | Content{ "name": "cybrid_api_bank_ruby", "downloads": 1037064, "version": "0.123.55", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T19:11:08.526Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Cybrid", "info": "View our documentation at", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": {}, "yanked": false, "sha": "1d473f3fd2dda73096bb5874db168e196de81f3cfb42bd4cd4b426cd9068eb9e", "spec_sha": "d7e631fc8d5544071d4dd234a9433578dcaf3e8391f399d8149a17bdbb6cf398", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "rspec", "requirements": "~> 3.6, >= 3.6.0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "typhoeus", "requirements": "~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 19:11:13 UTC |
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cybrid_api_id_rubyView our documentation at |
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2024-12-04 19:10:07 UTC |
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cybrid_api_organization_rubyView our documentation at |
0.123.55 | Content{ "name": "cybrid_api_organization_ruby", "downloads": 1055117, "version": "0.123.55", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T19:09:08.259Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Cybrid", "info": "View our documentation at", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": {}, "yanked": false, "sha": "7b8eb23013ae0e1c3d2f59a58fd38c5e064639e737219f545db4a30decc687c2", "spec_sha": "8fe5382d3ed5dcdd9cacc36c9584633d5bb9606a555388fad643a6f43460bbb6", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "rspec", "requirements": "~> 3.6, >= 3.6.0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "typhoeus", "requirements": "~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 19:09:13 UTC |
payment_iconsMountable rails engine which loads assets (svg files of payment icons) and provides a frozen_record model called PaymentIcon to access these through groups, names of icons, etc. |
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2024-12-04 19:00:29 UTC |
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blacklight-spotlightEnable librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to create attractive, feature-rich websites that feature these collections. |
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2024-12-04 18:52:33 UTC |
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makitCI/CD tools for Ruby developers. |
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2024-12-04 18:47:56 UTC |
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2024-12-04 18:45:51 UTC |
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2024-12-04 18:45:15 UTC |
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jekyll-theme-centosJekyll theme for CentOS websites |
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2024-12-04 18:41:48 UTC |
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makitCI/CD tools for Ruby developers. |
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2024-12-04 18:40:51 UTC |
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jekyll-animate-elementsUse css animations to consecutively animate html elements in a Jekyll page. |
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2024-12-04 18:38:10 UTC |
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knapsack_proKnapsack Pro wraps your current test runner(s) and works with your existing CI infrastructure to parallelize tests optimally. It dynamically splits your tests based on up-to-date test execution data. It's designed from the ground up for CI and supports all of them. |
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2024-12-04 18:34:41 UTC |
makitCI/CD tools for Ruby developers. |
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2024-12-04 18:34:31 UTC |
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karafkaKarafka is Ruby and Rails efficient Kafka processing framework. Karafka allows you to capture everything that happens in your systems in large scale, without having to focus on things that are not your business domain. |
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2024-12-04 18:33:59 UTC |
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browserDo some browser detection with Ruby. |
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2024-12-04 18:30:44 UTC |
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2024-12-04 18:24:56 UTC |
jekyll-animate-elementsUse css animations to consecutively animate html elements in a Jekyll page. |
0.0.1 | Content{ "name": "jekyll-animate-elements", "downloads": 0, "version": "0.0.1", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:24:44.081Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "George Corrêa de Araújo", "info": "Use css animations to consecutively animate html elements in a Jekyll page.", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "metadata": {}, "yanked": false, "sha": "68a7751b2a79047fad90d46b6065c0504a1066c2e5fa6cd444183837edbe0315", "spec_sha": "4aa740268030f40f6f71ec30da748eede6fd597f42547bb062ab3f195b51dde4", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": null, "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "bundler", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "nokogiri", "requirements": ">= 0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "jekyll", "requirements": ">= 3.6, < 5.0" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:24:46 UTC |
BZk-J3R5Zkn2UuCvntchz |
ultra_settingsUltraSettings is a Ruby gem that provides a flexible and documented approach to managing application configurations from multiple sources, including environment variables, runtime settings, and YAML files, with an optional web UI for easy documentation. |
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2024-12-04 18:23:18 UTC |
TFREf9tdFwnLNG9DofRiF |
hephaestusHephaestus is a Rails generator to create plugs for Yetto. | | Content{ "name": "hephaestus", "downloads": 13016, "version": "", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:22:35.557Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Garen Torikian", "info": "Hephaestus is a Rails generator to create plugs for Yetto.\n", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "metadata": {}, "yanked": false, "sha": "e80cdbece4b9c4432fb460513810c073453a48dae8d705b42eb00e6082298745", "spec_sha": "1b936b8b855aa4fe4a5ac12d68c20e64ede1e52efb99731ff92fdf729e96cd4a", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "dotenv-rails", "requirements": ">= 0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "bootsnap", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "bundler", "requirements": "~> 2.1" }, { "name": "ferrum", "requirements": "~> 0.15" }, { "name": "hiredis", "requirements": "~> 0.6" }, { "name": "httpsensible", "requirements": "~> 0.3" }, { "name": "jbuilder", "requirements": "~> 2.12" }, { "name": "jwt", "requirements": "~> 2.8" }, { "name": "lograge", "requirements": "~> 0.14" }, { "name": "mission_control-jobs", "requirements": "~> 0.5" }, { "name": "openapi_first", "requirements": "~> 2.0" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-exporter-otlp", "requirements": "~> 0.26" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-instrumentation-all", "requirements": "~> 0.63" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-sdk", "requirements": "~> 1.4" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-semantic_conventions", "requirements": "~> 1.10" }, { "name": "parser", "requirements": "~> 3.0" }, { "name": "pg", "requirements": "~> 1.5" }, { "name": "propshaft", "requirements": "~> 1.1" }, { "name": "puma", "requirements": "~> 6.4" }, { "name": "rails", "requirements": ">= 8.0" }, { "name": "rainbow", "requirements": "~> 3.0" }, { "name": "redis", "requirements": "~> 5.2" }, { "name": "retriable", "requirements": "~> 3.1" }, { "name": "slack_webhook_logger", "requirements": "~> 0.6" }, { "name": "solid_queue", "requirements": "~> 1.0" }, { "name": "sqlite3", "requirements": "~> 2.0" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:22:38 UTC |
1lLtP8uAOn3UxwfoCPCuT |
modelingAdds the ability to quickly model classes. Definitions of instance variables and access methods are reduced to one line. Creating an instance of the modeled class is significantly slower (~20x), so its use for classes whose instances are created frequently is not recommended. |
0.1.1 | Content{ "name": "modeling", "downloads": 1427, "version": "0.1.1", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:21:00.421Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Łukasz Pomietło", "info": "Adds the ability to quickly model classes. Definitions of instance variables and access methods are reduced to one line. \nCreating an instance of the modeled class is significantly slower (~20x), so its use for classes whose instances are created frequently is not recommended.\n", "licenses": [ "Zlib" ], "metadata": { "homepage_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "bf5d6ed1d1cfbe604b88f666918121a1e540f0bb08cf8c8bde73ee06b68ec2aa", "spec_sha": "f346f221089a44a08c2dcb30a673ea5f0240c3282baec35cba391274067b59aa", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [] } } |
2024-12-04 18:21:02 UTC |
SWRoDUXIuF96p8QhZaHlp |
chemineeCheminée: The Chemical Structure Search Engine |
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2024-12-04 18:14:41 UTC |
oQ5lSipH54ghxC8tC2cin |
google-apis-youtube_v3This is the simple REST client for YouTube Data API v3 V3. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the YouTube Data API v3, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.51.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-youtube_v3", "downloads": 370688, "version": "0.51.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:14:19.966Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for YouTube Data API v3 V3. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the YouTube Data API v3, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "56582c384a08e421d2d05d26516e29bc895fa238860c3cfcc83a249b44e026f5", "spec_sha": "7adefcb08ad212706fb0199dc48943279972aa15b167f775b3ff10b345beed79", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:14:23 UTC |
google-apis-workstations_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Cloud Workstations API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Workstations API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.33.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-workstations_v1beta", "downloads": 11932, "version": "0.33.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:14:11.572Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Workstations API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Workstations API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "1462f4a75fc5362df7692e04ffb4be261489ac9e60d041c6be6d850b86451cce", "spec_sha": "f4365d8e70ecfd37c413e4fcae2ac14f18ebe0e7ea8a0f102a02b9ea4acb40b1", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:14:15 UTC |
google-apis-webrisk_v1This is the simple REST client for Web Risk API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Web Risk API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.24.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-webrisk_v1", "downloads": 77429, "version": "0.24.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:14:05.499Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Web Risk API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Web Risk API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "129845eb0290af796d31a7dfac7fcf09978f5206389fbdbc386d1a7cb9700e69", "spec_sha": "89fdb97a31ad2239b058d6a1fcef6bb86594c8f40b180f68e43f22357c666895", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:14:09 UTC |
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google-apis-walletobjects_v1This is the simple REST client for Google Wallet API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Wallet API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.18.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-walletobjects_v1", "downloads": 9248, "version": "0.18.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:13:45.854Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Google Wallet API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Wallet API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "7674558163d9644a4be80d730ec4b3ca5b709c4d54c74cdbffdb7fc04e0ea91c", "spec_sha": "944f3ae49b91fda250a65b0ed28d498fea092cb85b13fcdb2a84c5ce7253ff77", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:13:51 UTC |
oIMgtygMkZ5fnMzcV_NSK |
google-apis-vpcaccess_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Serverless VPC Access API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Serverless VPC Access API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.12.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-vpcaccess_v1beta1", "downloads": 4143, "version": "0.12.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:13:39.858Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Serverless VPC Access API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Serverless VPC Access API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "eeca3c8ad664ce6014b7a12a24bc3b2eae30870f16b42222345bc1a5e5fe02b2", "spec_sha": "cc0941526e00a145b25e4f74651bac1ec744a1974b64d7bb00dc24698b0428d9", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:13:44 UTC |
R7_mWFE9NedjJNR9D8elT |
hephaestusHephaestus is a Rails generator to create plugs for Yetto. | | Content{ "name": "hephaestus", "downloads": 13002, "version": "", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:13:34.859Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Garen Torikian", "info": "Hephaestus is a Rails generator to create plugs for Yetto.\n", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "metadata": {}, "yanked": false, "sha": "4fbc0e216579ee4c62a2c22c2b435cd8a1d863bd6092afb2eaf3cd2d212ce4c2", "spec_sha": "05c2b2d4363f1ccbd286e1fda34dc7febd461402c0101d16e114ca07886ad2c0", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "dotenv-rails", "requirements": ">= 0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "bootsnap", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "bundler", "requirements": "~> 2.1" }, { "name": "ferrum", "requirements": "~> 0.15" }, { "name": "hiredis", "requirements": "~> 0.6" }, { "name": "httpsensible", "requirements": "~> 0.3" }, { "name": "jbuilder", "requirements": "~> 2.12" }, { "name": "jwt", "requirements": "~> 2.8" }, { "name": "lograge", "requirements": "~> 0.14" }, { "name": "mission_control-jobs", "requirements": "~> 0.5" }, { "name": "openapi_first", "requirements": "~> 2.0" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-exporter-otlp", "requirements": "~> 0.26" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-instrumentation-all", "requirements": "~> 0.63" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-sdk", "requirements": "~> 1.4" }, { "name": "opentelemetry-semantic_conventions", "requirements": "~> 1.10" }, { "name": "parser", "requirements": "~> 3.0" }, { "name": "pg", "requirements": "~> 1.5" }, { "name": "propshaft", "requirements": "~> 1.1" }, { "name": "puma", "requirements": "~> 6.4" }, { "name": "rails", "requirements": ">= 8.0" }, { "name": "rainbow", "requirements": "~> 3.0" }, { "name": "redis", "requirements": "~> 5.2" }, { "name": "retriable", "requirements": "~> 3.1" }, { "name": "slack_webhook_logger", "requirements": "~> 0.6" }, { "name": "solid_queue", "requirements": "~> 1.0" }, { "name": "sqlite3", "requirements": "~> 2.0" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:13:39 UTC |
2dWzqPg_Zzetqjj9yjMK_ |
google-apis-vmmigration_v1alpha1This is the simple REST client for VM Migration API V1alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the VM Migration API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.52.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-vmmigration_v1alpha1", "downloads": 29763, "version": "0.52.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:13:26.181Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for VM Migration API V1alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the VM Migration API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "0aa749549d81134fe256fc12f10abe27e884a2ada437c3d28b085cf4a9019cce", "spec_sha": "dcec2eee03b91776e6fd1a15d6d3edf38592294d5327c62b4770ff4f268c2df2", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:13:29 UTC |
f-c6CE8T8f8-TESB1DRs6 |
google-apis-vmmigration_v1This is the simple REST client for VM Migration API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the VM Migration API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.55.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-vmmigration_v1", "downloads": 30816, "version": "0.55.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:13:12.867Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for VM Migration API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the VM Migration API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "41d926a57129b727b05a5e88e93bc25ff863fc28d665e82bf26a83d0287c8dd0", "spec_sha": "c36d0ea60fc4b26f28b7392c472e6e72c5a2efb276664d178057ea717c7b25ab", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:13:18 UTC |
net-http-persistentManages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for connecting to multiple hosts. Using persistent HTTP connections can dramatically increase the speed of HTTP. Creating a new HTTP connection for every request involves an extra TCP round-trip and causes TCP congestion avoidance negotiation to start over. Net::HTTP supports persistent connections with some API methods but does not make setting up a single persistent connection or managing multiple connections easy. Net::HTTP::Persistent wraps Net::HTTP and allows you to focus on how to make HTTP requests. |
4.0.5 | Content{ "name": "net-http-persistent", "downloads": 147233020, "version": "4.0.5", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:13:11.383Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Eric Hodel", "info": "Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for\nconnecting to multiple hosts.\n\nUsing persistent HTTP connections can dramatically increase the speed of HTTP.\nCreating a new HTTP connection for every request involves an extra TCP\nround-trip and causes TCP congestion avoidance negotiation to start over.\n\nNet::HTTP supports persistent connections with some API methods but does not\nmake setting up a single persistent connection or managing multiple\nconnections easy. Net::HTTP::Persistent wraps Net::HTTP and allows you to\nfocus on how to make HTTP requests.", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "metadata": { "homepage_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "6e42880b347e650ffeaf679ae59c9d5a6ed8a22cda6e1b959d9c270050aefa8e", "spec_sha": "dbda92a053d34938d2ada7133fcb85e25f84fb9af8c75c4f3f7f9c494ff368af", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": null, "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "connection_pool", "requirements": "~> 2.2" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:13:17 UTC |
-dgGMFlXuAy8vNSDgMPaV |
google-apis-vision_v1p2beta1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Vision API V1p2beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Vision API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.30.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-vision_v1p2beta1", "downloads": 26996, "version": "0.30.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:12:52.686Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Vision API V1p2beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Vision API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "d7dceee4534ab0cb27be6652192eeb597a738bfb7129e802e896ff7caa7d4059", "spec_sha": "71f8b4ca3881a9e7c0f229dd47b14945df5a42ae2d26cc121afe81e2ef8c05bf", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:12:55 UTC |
FzSg4dVP_MqXvyivCnEQn |
google-apis-vision_v1p1beta1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Vision API V1p1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Vision API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.29.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-vision_v1p1beta1", "downloads": 26387, "version": "0.29.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:12:32.512Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Vision API V1p1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Vision API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "51db4dec6323235c9345a7c227ccec42aef8fae47631376284e931ac79616347", "spec_sha": "2d77e94dff4036bba46d447fe975eda3c416050db698a4013f0c225bbda37e0e", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:12:35 UTC |
google-apis-vision_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Vision API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Vision API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.33.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-vision_v1", "downloads": 40826, "version": "0.33.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:12:10.920Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Vision API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Vision API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "138d917793bc06c591c7150c4bb0c3c500f34f938ff0055322c74208a6d772e7", "spec_sha": "87dba9416a9d6064af265cf67726a7764e2e1c764be1ec38000d602d37873110", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:12:14 UTC |
NqhkB0InGbTxwpG2DtVKi |
google-apis-verifiedaccess_v2This is the simple REST client for Chrome Verified Access API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Chrome Verified Access API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.17.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-verifiedaccess_v2", "downloads": 7984, "version": "0.17.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:12:05.290Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Chrome Verified Access API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Chrome Verified Access API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "90d4b2e31ac446fa9e0f3285ddd43c2a5ce3c4ba44bb4903ac7c3a2b878e0fcc", "spec_sha": "035ead12a0c462d07847502ee962f950908378c85c36636368739fbaae328170", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:12:08 UTC |
lH6UscFoxdJ8_t1WDsz4e |
google-apis-tpu_v2alpha1This is the simple REST client for Cloud TPU API V2alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud TPU API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.33.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-tpu_v2alpha1", "downloads": 17583, "version": "0.33.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:57.026Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud TPU API V2alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud TPU API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "a8d0303447244cd4e7936880a347d713e9aaf1b71ae080bef135cc70e72d8288", "spec_sha": "90d48cbe494e7a77912f35b1260f6959ba7aa386ba9bb449340471b41977f364", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:12:00 UTC |
Y233_S0U5_1amMdrrnab4 |
google-apis-texttospeech_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Text-to-Speech API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Text-to-Speech API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.32.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-texttospeech_v1beta1", "downloads": 42529, "version": "0.32.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:51.097Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Text-to-Speech API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Text-to-Speech API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "674e8387d9d9ff21a88f875d4f7e009c7fc6cd78f31e7772dfaca369a955d198", "spec_sha": "371bdee5beab2eb18fd1874b26c99a7ba67154a95b8b76922b71ed872bef1e56", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:11:54 UTC |
EfcrhyZjgYVRNPf5F2d2r |
google-apis-texttospeech_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Text-to-Speech API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Text-to-Speech API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.35.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-texttospeech_v1", "downloads": 34952, "version": "0.35.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:44.955Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Text-to-Speech API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Text-to-Speech API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "564d8d5221e6c16f01bbc6fdd53f125be5efbc65716085da352ad228d608d6d4", "spec_sha": "16ef6b07b05f0071e203003b3469bdf89e5f980d33f3084f670a730c9ce070fb", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:11:49 UTC |
n0fJAGCnIzokE2ImgEk-d |
google-apis-testing_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Testing API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Testing API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.51.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-testing_v1", "downloads": 40504, "version": "0.51.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:35.767Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Testing API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Testing API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "4edc697aa3e86e34afd729e5b8cfedab7485fee6e1e74e1be7398e19b1acc5aa", "spec_sha": "1f122b2283071e8d490f9d58231ac983680f85d8ef229f655e8902137a79786c", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:11:38 UTC |
Xpz0EKvax-Si1TrTUEOEs |
google-apis-sts_v1This is the simple REST client for Security Token Service API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Token Service API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.40.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-sts_v1", "downloads": 38432, "version": "0.40.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:28.548Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Security Token Service API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Token Service API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "752c19c3efcefe872b23ef57611abfefeb7921d2364b02e16096c0f26490549c", "spec_sha": "e4dc32caf7ab75de9f92a2edc8c0ef519df7d5290e8ceecd3e2c3371d8b23c2a", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:11:32 UTC |
unASjzn3ZexRhLrtn6eLu |
js-routesExposes all Rails Routes URL helpers as javascript module |
2.3.3 | Content{ "name": "js-routes", "downloads": 13031256, "version": "2.3.3", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:26.882Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Bogdan Gusiev", "info": "Exposes all Rails Routes URL helpers as javascript module", "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "metadata": { "github_repo": "ssh://", "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "", "rubygems_mfa_required": "true" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "99b91d873f3e187b07ad898df6b99a18e6ae2dfbf57fc15d3b6c9066be81f3ad", "spec_sha": "c73ad8325abfd7fe6772fd18ba9bf993078684e17cd05633e1c9b47968456665", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [ { "name": "appraisal", "requirements": ">= 0.5.2" }, { "name": "bundler", "requirements": ">= 2.2.25" }, { "name": "mini_racer", "requirements": ">= 0.4.0" }, { "name": "rspec", "requirements": ">= 3.10.0" }, { "name": "sprockets-rails", "requirements": ">= 0" } ], "runtime": [ { "name": "railties", "requirements": ">= 5" }, { "name": "sorbet-runtime", "requirements": ">= 0" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:11:29 UTC |
XWwvgHWrkpf34bLD5nhdb |
google-apis-storage_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Storage JSON API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Storage JSON API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.48.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-storage_v1", "downloads": 115761335, "version": "0.48.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:16.557Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Storage JSON API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Storage JSON API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "d0ae717a26e34eea5eb0af0aadfb9b2ddf4a08efda5662ddefa19a1c7166012f", "spec_sha": "0a1549a5cb7569c272e29de5fb33b0bfe8b8d96c649a479e85a68f8c6d38e969", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:11:19 UTC |
-SUDcrnOK17DX_ept87IM |
google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4This is the simple REST client for Cloud SQL Admin API V1beta4. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud SQL Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.75.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4", "downloads": 19236699, "version": "0.75.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:11:03.149Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud SQL Admin API V1beta4. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud SQL Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "d5cadb9c7b0d1d8472ac4b567274ff96612898f9d25faeee2e34a82ef716a0d8", "spec_sha": "ff41c6e48151788964100ba2ca835e870f1a185f91a907f4ed5dd7a4b9a08b3e", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:11:05 UTC |
TbYbrm-p1gd8F-4C914gh |
google-apis-sqladmin_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud SQL Admin API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud SQL Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.70.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-sqladmin_v1", "downloads": 49211, "version": "0.70.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:10:49.649Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud SQL Admin API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud SQL Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "47d519bbee69cb5a95052e3bdf47cf4081c17ae48685a6a59dcca6ea4bc41bdb", "spec_sha": "6a378bf97eb8716bc9755906bb9993f4604b10d9a3e4068ee2af2f60c5db7c26", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:10:52 UTC |
uaQhgqqMG_JIKHb9TaJq5 |
google-apis-serviceusage_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Service Usage API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Usage API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.60.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-serviceusage_v1beta1", "downloads": 51374, "version": "0.60.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:10:37.423Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Usage API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Usage API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "cfc85215c26348bf26953f65843053124171b5022030974a532e587d53a64282", "spec_sha": "7022836568b41fe2477e29cd952394cc97c69cb75fb5f11a35812044676e54c0", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:10:39 UTC |
2W9NY_c2FAou9081P5GGU |
google-apis-serviceusage_v1This is the simple REST client for Service Usage API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Usage API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.60.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-serviceusage_v1", "downloads": 12095071, "version": "0.60.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:10:26.228Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Usage API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Usage API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "3e66ec2c5ca379ccc4381b1d9e2af22bbedf39644af64262c8fc4387f779cc09", "spec_sha": "926f91e6856bcb19fcefc3d84e097870060b61a0084a69744c659e6b928dbdb5", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:10:28 UTC |
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google-apis-servicenetworking_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Service Networking API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Networking API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.56.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-servicenetworking_v1beta", "downloads": 44786, "version": "0.56.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:10:16.077Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Networking API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Networking API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "3a4ef2ad07cc3ed6249d2fe896718687bfb81db35cd4d44158eb9e08b13b1908", "spec_sha": "afb789a25a3c15e8a2af589c6ad594b5a8b8c9879728cce6f3fa8b4c1b3b2e7e", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:10:18 UTC |
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google-apis-servicenetworking_v1This is the simple REST client for Service Networking API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Networking API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.69.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-servicenetworking_v1", "downloads": 52298, "version": "0.69.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:10:03.921Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Networking API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Networking API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "7cd0ef9520f586275f7903b989906c7873e4e2be5753cf6015c07583f3e885e7", "spec_sha": "6d8aa5f23c7f0d3a5b4b6061058296f7d61e5b0fac1c5b546db86f55ebbec972", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:10:06 UTC |
QMCsOurau9Yp_MNCi325G |
google-apis-servicemanagement_v1This is the simple REST client for Service Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.62.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-servicemanagement_v1", "downloads": 55627, "version": "0.62.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:09:53.012Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "4d77d651103dd9543aa92046aa514e8f4363afaf6b99ffd80dfcf3fb94d12b50", "spec_sha": "5b2ae02aff7cb650eff4f6ff46d87ffad5f35003d4d4e5321524a5af74b145a2", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:09:56 UTC |
kAh9zUvIWXqFIUfV6UbSf |
google-apis-servicecontrol_v1This is the simple REST client for Service Control API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Control API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.39.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-servicecontrol_v1", "downloads": 37117, "version": "0.39.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:09:44.530Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Control API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Control API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "2b817f0dd2b92c83030016934aa3b3801c363a0bb696e64a7b93205e5b4becd5", "spec_sha": "0ac31ddd53e1eae7d3ab961d76c9a94020eec9e283d7729be0070f1dda1be0e1", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:09:47 UTC |
Sdez9jioeSuwPwoYLE6ve |
google-apis-serviceconsumermanagement_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Service Consumer Management API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Consumer Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.53.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-serviceconsumermanagement_v1beta1", "downloads": 43984, "version": "0.53.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:09:34.210Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Consumer Management API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Consumer Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "2129a84568bf2b5897364b4d244c6747251c2a4008dbc810206eb23ab4c3b1b5", "spec_sha": "74ea96e8b7969c6713d8f59d9b5209a6ecf606f3edd8371c0702ddd26ac3dc06", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:09:36 UTC |
2XohmWJQ9MbLKyYEtmwfp |
google-apis-serviceconsumermanagement_v1This is the simple REST client for Service Consumer Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Consumer Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.54.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-serviceconsumermanagement_v1", "downloads": 42872, "version": "0.54.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:09:23.163Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Service Consumer Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Service Consumer Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "ae4bd607635129b6cd7766aeb19c36e0dd37ad8ad81549c3918a3e61af2c5c68", "spec_sha": "c8c3fabbac8f33c5354f83c63979e95e4af24bf2df71d64f2206739ff01f0dc8", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:09:27 UTC |
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google-apis-securitycenter_v1beta2This is the simple REST client for Security Command Center API V1beta2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Command Center API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.72.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-securitycenter_v1beta2", "downloads": 51798, "version": "0.72.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:09:04.051Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Security Command Center API V1beta2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Command Center API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "732e0e8870514eb4ea9552c22a6b24ed68a84ece1fa7f622a16c69f861a678d6", "spec_sha": "151ece0a58e037f07f9b067a623b9183b52e523b6c570c325cc5010b59de695b", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:09:07 UTC |
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google-apis-securitycenter_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Security Command Center API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Command Center API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.80.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-securitycenter_v1beta1", "downloads": 57547, "version": "0.80.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:08:44.756Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Security Command Center API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Command Center API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "6d4b0e4205653fd49846586cb09548581d9a58839daf4bcdf29a3ac3aeb3161f", "spec_sha": "9282d62bcb802662d774db1cbf3440f686e03964e59a134fcf4d9bd8e5dc6f12", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:08:48 UTC |
8J1eGr--YSycIVld6NZLi |
google-apis-securitycenter_v1This is the simple REST client for Security Command Center API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Command Center API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.90.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-securitycenter_v1", "downloads": 64978, "version": "0.90.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:08:15.211Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Security Command Center API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Security Command Center API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "c1bc6a13fd6552aa4c6808aa0859998623a8e995182220b6a8bb99b5af788e2a", "spec_sha": "5863c539cfb48cff9a6fe1adf068177216d55e234e25d47b109259c8c3758dd8", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:08:18 UTC |
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google-apis-secretmanager_v1beta2This is the simple REST client for Secret Manager API V1beta2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Secret Manager API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.3.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-secretmanager_v1beta2", "downloads": 582, "version": "0.3.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:08:07.859Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Secret Manager API V1beta2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Secret Manager API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "f370b2d50fe1d8ea54ea5ad57f2d3c299d7bbef3c0c0f9563b96a53071e406f8", "spec_sha": "35cbff8da2a95822efc76ae027e33508125a08c45a924178be71f9f687a4c2fc", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": null, "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:08:11 UTC |
s13hnnUnBQov34ZLKUnmp |
google-apis-secretmanager_v1This is the simple REST client for Secret Manager API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Secret Manager API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.44.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-secretmanager_v1", "downloads": 1187569, "version": "0.44.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:08:00.647Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Secret Manager API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Secret Manager API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "dd1b7fa4339c13f8a87a2885a4c9142d6bcff5d7392145bfb2d16385d5a3f5e3", "spec_sha": "71a90a311572e1f09b2d0a7780a77eea20c70d6fb487ed083dfbbfb3252752f0", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:08:05 UTC |
vi9qdU8CcsycjsVv_qKg7 |
google-apis-searchads360_v0This is the simple REST client for Search Ads 360 Reporting API V0. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Search Ads 360 Reporting API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.19.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-searchads360_v0", "downloads": 8312, "version": "0.19.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:07:44.365Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Search Ads 360 Reporting API V0. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Search Ads 360 Reporting API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "4d77171769a3e190286e38ffee80c1974f1ea01fff0e34b3e1ddc3d69de12441", "spec_sha": "5e20d954bdd32696f6dbfdcdfb3255189eb165c89bdb1de5a909bd3767c55b8b", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:07:47 UTC |
gJUqdrfjEJ129-BgWOFfQ |
google-apis-run_v2This is the simple REST client for Cloud Run Admin API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Run Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.79.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-run_v2", "downloads": 40064, "version": "0.79.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:07:31.343Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Run Admin API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Run Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "48cb47d7cf87a2c00c1242fdb153abcf0215ba80590de5b342d46922f0f20a5c", "spec_sha": "7e0f1624517855cf9f0932cae4cdaeeaa3750b3d36cea707086db7cf146c6dc7", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:07:34 UTC |
Pr9mkP4o8xbZ8tWCn6E1o |
google-apis-run_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Run Admin API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Run Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.79.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-run_v1", "downloads": 77893, "version": "0.79.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:07:17.334Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Cloud Run Admin API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Cloud Run Admin API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "5c511386790e83bd6f7f17e2e06c77c7e4e77e2cfe5d10ad1239d54ea483f716", "spec_sha": "99f165a98bdf3413fd7d972e64fb75faa09d3d5b14307461d62ac0b1c6cec862", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:07:20 UTC |
Avzmwayf98B-pVy3PGF00 |
google-apis-retail_v2betaThis is the simple REST client for Vertex AI Search for Retail API V2beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Vertex AI Search for Retail API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.100.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-retail_v2beta", "downloads": 78815, "version": "0.100.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:06:57.438Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Vertex AI Search for Retail API V2beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Vertex AI Search for Retail API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "611d9d514c599e1e1f6502bba98231236cc81276f6c809c1fc4dd4df07f2c617", "spec_sha": "b4bc4551c44075df0dfdacc23c72b16c83e5d85983e4e4e63e551794e75730a3", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:07:00 UTC |
oY5z7qdXbEk7ptqWinOv0 |
google-apis-retail_v2alphaThis is the simple REST client for Vertex AI Search for Retail API V2alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Vertex AI Search for Retail API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.105.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-retail_v2alpha", "downloads": 81678, "version": "0.105.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:06:36.230Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Vertex AI Search for Retail API V2alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Vertex AI Search for Retail API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "e7c98a0e923c2b7ea5ba4856cba8f56448e3804a9207c3c6eb8097ca9504ce0b", "spec_sha": "7bc3d99971180f6df9a1c40747f279e457c2fc591f8f0dd3ac0ff76760ce4ccc", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:06:40 UTC |
google-apis-retail_v2This is the simple REST client for Vertex AI Search for Retail API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Vertex AI Search for Retail API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.106.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-retail_v2", "downloads": 81157, "version": "0.106.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:06:16.538Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Vertex AI Search for Retail API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Vertex AI Search for Retail API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "88fe781c7637102b7e6b5804b0f93ea4d8e866e594c1b1158b4b6945aefff8b0", "spec_sha": "b6c841453a4758ac7517a6dc225f01a59c07524066880d3203cd7836fcd87389", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:06:18 UTC |
otg_GsS6bq7ne7uFQ0KEe |
google-apis-redis_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.55.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-redis_v1beta1", "downloads": 46060, "version": "0.55.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:06:06.030Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "96ac012f2188d55a182c87241217b23405183036b53e20c614efc9592fdfa4d7", "spec_sha": "76c1ca388da2f4f029fbf0e64fb193efa4fb460b313f8cde70dd3e30b19f3aa7", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:06:08 UTC |
sJhWxhwJVfrDVeAdZ2akg |
google-apis-redis_v1This is the simple REST client for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.64.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-redis_v1", "downloads": 53976, "version": "0.64.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:55.679Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "ac75d737c5703ba13aa61fe5d80c36af5d6a41238dd28fa3056ced3883d83871", "spec_sha": "1beb05478378b4f315f0fca972ce9c6ea064ce74a457da30390f1d034e25f725", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:58 UTC |
google-apis-recommender_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Recommender API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Recommender API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.42.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-recommender_v1beta1", "downloads": 40655, "version": "0.42.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:47.410Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Recommender API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Recommender API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "54c796c89e3b373e6b0b25b1ee064db7b4bffcff462844533c9908a08ed4db71", "spec_sha": "891af7b1831c0e454f02e7a916eba1bb33c15abf8d0c9bfda2f5849f4e611d25", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:49 UTC |
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google-apis-pubsublite_v1This is the simple REST client for Pub/Sub Lite API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Pub/Sub Lite API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.28.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-pubsublite_v1", "downloads": 31125, "version": "0.28.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:40.186Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Pub/Sub Lite API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Pub/Sub Lite API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "0352e935702165a567843932f404f9bee59fa8eb0175d0ae378cdee5d19afc10", "spec_sha": "968dddf9b122a6b8db347c6a00be03b42ba5fa5cd4f535118d706cc98ff65165", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:42 UTC |
slpB3NgovLBntyXXDLazV |
google-apis-privateca_v1This is the simple REST client for Certificate Authority API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Certificate Authority API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.47.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-privateca_v1", "downloads": 35339, "version": "0.47.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:30.489Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Certificate Authority API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Certificate Authority API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "e76bdd8589749a7f310a9cdad0427c4f6d96885432feea7624993451d97baf73", "spec_sha": "ecaf65b29eb9350cf09dfe02878fabf2608b286336bd55ec0a29087e34607f8a", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:33 UTC |
ykTQir_1-okOzFUwmlqP8 |
google-apis-policysimulator_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Policy Simulator API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Policy Simulator API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.13.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-policysimulator_v1beta", "downloads": 4129, "version": "0.13.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:22.139Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Policy Simulator API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Policy Simulator API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "ebf5365af21c54477f1e4e55e8596d429747bc07dd25a0db20507ae4f622a0a5", "spec_sha": "e7a13bd89c7c2f5760bbf84c87661def21d7c8d7d7e87179fd7b3aa895233569", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:24 UTC |
AiuST68aLs7-4egSq7kxc |
google-apis-policysimulator_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for Policy Simulator API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Policy Simulator API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.20.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-policysimulator_v1alpha", "downloads": 7842, "version": "0.20.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:13.946Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Policy Simulator API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Policy Simulator API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "71db4560d33c9b6f3ec9cbecb38dfe8aad1a54ccd7abe4aa20666bb2e7fe019e", "spec_sha": "78f04212b9c0981f9a62beb0952cbe1ed4a5fac87722fc1002c9baa259ddd7ca", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:16 UTC |
amF9c2SRJqaxO6dPhlRDY |
google-apis-policysimulator_v1This is the simple REST client for Policy Simulator API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Policy Simulator API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.38.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-policysimulator_v1", "downloads": 28484, "version": "0.38.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:06.190Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Policy Simulator API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Policy Simulator API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "a83585423ba2208c23b780b061504b0f0cb5c7c02164821142f10399cdbce76e", "spec_sha": "1278223ac8c9d3f12cffe80a7484abd2b5534de1412b13ab4830756143e49f98", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:09 UTC |
JWhF6Xn3XztAuwQzPf20a |
google-apis-playintegrity_v1This is the simple REST client for Google Play Integrity API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Play Integrity API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.30.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-playintegrity_v1", "downloads": 172441, "version": "0.30.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:05:00.294Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Google Play Integrity API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Play Integrity API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "230c3f9c4b8a41a01d73a6bf4e24fbc9cd8b34cd4ea9c520f29933b36db24704", "spec_sha": "a061d5c468773d51b9db4ac18f5943a796d0995eaf364138967e5f1f2cd3676c", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:05:04 UTC |
8Py7JFHmbBAC8RLg3aQY4 |
google-apis-playdeveloperreporting_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Google Play Developer Reporting API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Play Developer Reporting API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.34.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-playdeveloperreporting_v1beta1", "downloads": 15179, "version": "0.34.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:04:52.490Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Google Play Developer Reporting API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Play Developer Reporting API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "acee034befc32644acd97f3db967332d758dea530882640d754cc659cce4af70", "spec_sha": "adb58effcb28d914b9142a45a6a86200aee9c18a49d6a9185711b50dee853dc4", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:04:55 UTC |
hUuZlfB5RRYnpVuAGSyM3 |
google-apis-playdeveloperreporting_v1alpha1This is the simple REST client for Google Play Developer Reporting API V1alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Play Developer Reporting API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.32.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-playdeveloperreporting_v1alpha1", "downloads": 15363, "version": "0.32.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:04:44.717Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Google Play Developer Reporting API V1alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Play Developer Reporting API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "7f8041bc84d936f6f4c1be9020ede48728a30e40db492265b622bf18b8b99aa3", "spec_sha": "e2501c7106b0fc314e75daeaea2c7e462fe7255609aee422194a864a04929c85", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:04:47 UTC |
XtvTYtLxotEP98oXMigm6 |
google-apis-places_v1This is the simple REST client for Places API (New) V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Places API (New), but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.30.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-places_v1", "downloads": 13487, "version": "0.30.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:04:35.942Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Places API (New) V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Places API (New), but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "60b8959ec1c38a2e60630db2516f45cb0c5172b6bbccaf5883a38a464fb8e2e9", "spec_sha": "79785876199941f8c28bfc795f8497a9ca6a665e58ae23b3445064d5073d5045", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:04:39 UTC |
G19Nok5Re2bhBb29C5-zN |
google-apis-parallelstore_v1This is the simple REST client for Parallelstore API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Parallelstore API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.1.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-parallelstore_v1", "downloads": 0, "version": "0.1.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:04:29.737Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Parallelstore API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Parallelstore API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "be009185c675f32a34a13a3fe1114af44dd461e07e75db21667d405dfa0a75f3", "spec_sha": "c96cb3fd8a2919910e2bb371aeadca0b8f7a558f7dcc8d412b7b5ffaa299b0e1", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": null, "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:04:34 UTC |
ArfHVsuUTYu3rnZliljtg |
google-apis-osconfig_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for OS Config API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the OS Config API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.26.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-osconfig_v1beta", "downloads": 27782, "version": "0.26.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:04:20.954Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for OS Config API V1beta. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the OS Config API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "55ec59acbba33d126a5239b4bef534c23947779df224bc11b9ccfd8a1b11217d", "spec_sha": "6868ff058015086121edb26e47b3bfa5b3bb762c74b8977e580fbb7dea4309bb", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:04:24 UTC |
9QWB6UNQBjyNxFPwLrwpq |
google-apis-osconfig_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for OS Config API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the OS Config API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.31.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-osconfig_v1alpha", "downloads": 27939, "version": "0.31.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:04:12.288Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for OS Config API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the OS Config API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "f79b5562e2c7a79231fbfba380cef9c195611c289bcae0f9b49f9c6a3ef3227d", "spec_sha": "50ebb4636ea61c02e4921459b36eb75dd57e562cb883bc939964abd09edae474", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:04:15 UTC |
google-apis-osconfig_v1This is the simple REST client for OS Config API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the OS Config API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.45.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-osconfig_v1", "downloads": 39834, "version": "0.45.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:04:01.642Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for OS Config API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the OS Config API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "bb953270c92840e32890d4dc363acde35442cb8774273e89c1d56aaabe24242d", "spec_sha": "fb00596a4c20576f9a4c2cc9d49e0ba11f91078560920eccae1dad4fed75a32f", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:04:06 UTC |
6usqgz3yuhvVFXE_rc36M |
google-apis-ondemandscanning_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for On-Demand Scanning API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the On-Demand Scanning API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.49.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-ondemandscanning_v1beta1", "downloads": 42622, "version": "0.49.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:03:51.697Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for On-Demand Scanning API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the On-Demand Scanning API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "39de3ba4a0e73e6aa1fd154b4aa0098a37f0aee23eace541eedc60432c04da6a", "spec_sha": "d5e13ed0081b411ff32e786d555d170d5fb9fa407b29d78e495e90dba0f846ad", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:03:55 UTC |
khtT0OYuMYluK7SMOru4Y |
google-apis-notebooks_v2This is the simple REST client for Notebooks API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Notebooks API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.19.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-notebooks_v2", "downloads": 5640, "version": "0.19.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:03:44.034Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Notebooks API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Notebooks API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "2a50578686fbfb1395fed9c43731f27bb94aa9a77228bd04e1c113c12885ee70", "spec_sha": "a4a896854946cef230d4f3f2ef8dbc1209310a5a2a29fcea17214e7b1211775f", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:03:47 UTC |
Q7zAMJ4iLsmiyRv-8CgV1 |
google-apis-notebooks_v1This is the simple REST client for Notebooks API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Notebooks API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.56.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-notebooks_v1", "downloads": 51734, "version": "0.56.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:03:32.318Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Notebooks API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Notebooks API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "9451554937a0198899b011dc79be8243e90300968f60fb906f04637994f708c8", "spec_sha": "18b60de93b2d3b92aa27099e7b0524835c8c6dd7899fc56149cecb53c97702d8", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:03:37 UTC |
zjC9E-zDZLQb5HrYG_bh0 |
google-apis-networkservices_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Network Services API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Services API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.45.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-networkservices_v1beta1", "downloads": 27063, "version": "0.45.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:03:20.040Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Network Services API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Services API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "94eed6ddbd744fe447f2b71ab178fb645fd7688fbb74c89b9ea6f08f1b9f5fae", "spec_sha": "5ee21c5cfa4ad851a624da236a4f09dd59e156e1124e592f4b283db7d5c505e8", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:03:24 UTC |
YMer5GUIgBwSMubj0pBv6 |
google-apis-networkservices_v1This is the simple REST client for Network Services API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Services API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.50.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-networkservices_v1", "downloads": 26603, "version": "0.50.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:03:06.586Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Network Services API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Services API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "457e3c457fd133dcd1b187a1971626819b2a9b4eb1c7e8d621ca7f7535293b69", "spec_sha": "110d50e9c6ac5d7876a7c8d686600d1e31f9effc0dcf4b318b6f47b469c06336", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:03:11 UTC |
F9oh7wnhyJm8y-O5gRzto |
google-apis-networksecurity_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Network Security API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Security API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.38.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-networksecurity_v1beta1", "downloads": 22508, "version": "0.38.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:02:53.602Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Network Security API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Security API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "c0d0fa4aa863f6963594e2a8be62ea9fdef4b07f5e369c5bdc175e28e81f2cd7", "spec_sha": "a84899b7a933bdc3cf06f834f776c1c4c5620e080a72cb528256e90a80f95d62", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:02:56 UTC |
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google-apis-networksecurity_v1This is the simple REST client for Network Security API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Security API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.31.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-networksecurity_v1", "downloads": 17143, "version": "0.31.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:02:41.983Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Network Security API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Security API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "ba0b00e20f1110af1586892a3ae03b3db191bfb8a5ffa13f38ae23ff77f88a92", "spec_sha": "fa65c563ef30c7b7f93af452981e7f069f4b0ce7593f1da2e05a2bdc2f7c4b01", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:02:44 UTC |
4zrybsUcXr2yEzULtCdoV |
google-apis-networkmanagement_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Network Management API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.50.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-networkmanagement_v1beta1", "downloads": 38382, "version": "0.50.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:02:32.718Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Network Management API V1beta1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "b44354b56e46c0c4b070352d759de6ae65f1046afd5b0c72d33d4d4a1bb31459", "spec_sha": "465f27b37b0dc754cc49731d4b1952e0c3707bfca35f22785346861f602ed58d", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:02:35 UTC |
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google-apis-networkmanagement_v1This is the simple REST client for Network Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.51.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-networkmanagement_v1", "downloads": 36409, "version": "0.51.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:02:23.897Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Network Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "e48c40eb214d618a90f60e2392325506335e848397e81fb96f67501e1c00c434", "spec_sha": "6d6c2de4e744e88a4e1a86a0230e1aff5260b1036cfc2660ad22ea70cd869368", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:02:26 UTC |
Z4Gmm-TrimWDOH--4vJFw |
google-apis-networkconnectivity_v1alpha1This is the simple REST client for Network Connectivity API V1alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Connectivity API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.40.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-networkconnectivity_v1alpha1", "downloads": 34304, "version": "0.40.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:02:16.844Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for Network Connectivity API V1alpha1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Network Connectivity API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "c4b2536e7628d4b67da92dd4fa7717d1fb9de1b3f8b7c2fcc91fa3a6980275c8", "spec_sha": "a7194776ddf48639eef826dc4bfbef089c05a984668f2bc8bd8b4a74b82f7324", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:02:20 UTC |
google-apis-netapp_v1This is the simple REST client for NetApp API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the NetApp API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.2.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-netapp_v1", "downloads": 177, "version": "0.2.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:02:06.604Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for NetApp API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the NetApp API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "baed73855db1eb1c3ea13db2b2bdcbef49bec89d980cbe6f52fc48003db65616", "spec_sha": "4ce7ace9309b17995508067a5b81d085a9773733cedab717e622d2d2601f5d80", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": null, "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:02:09 UTC |
W92O_h1un5274XmUu61_T |
google-apis-mybusinessverifications_v1This is the simple REST client for My Business Verifications API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the My Business Verifications API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.18.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-mybusinessverifications_v1", "downloads": 74312, "version": "0.18.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:02:00.189Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for My Business Verifications API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the My Business Verifications API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "cf33775807061eab3810aa4723e635a12ba925cd97b4d60b2bc6f46ee02e2c0e", "spec_sha": "8f9f179a46f0c88ada6f87aa127cce09d45b4adaa75ccbf336856e62f9244841", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:02:04 UTC |
O2dOBGNM039SSDp4fe-qZ |
google-apis-mybusinessbusinessinformation_v1This is the simple REST client for My Business Business Information API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the My Business Business Information API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.23.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-mybusinessbusinessinformation_v1", "downloads": 543696, "version": "0.23.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:01:52.344Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for My Business Business Information API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the My Business Business Information API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "5c7b4fe20f6f89b34754425408dab102747bcad2ccba5fcc57cfa5ec764ba29b", "spec_sha": "42017585ed3b0b00dbf3202e4d919d541cb77781e306f76d4eb7674481467764", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:01:57 UTC |
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google-apis-mybusinessaccountmanagement_v1This is the simple REST client for My Business Account Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the My Business Account Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use. |
0.26.0 | Content{ "name": "google-apis-mybusinessaccountmanagement_v1", "downloads": 503091, "version": "0.26.0", "version_created_at": "2024-12-04T18:01:45.718Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Google LLC", "info": "This is the simple REST client for My Business Account Management API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the My Business Account Management API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.", "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "metadata": { "changelog_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "source_code_uri": "", "documentation_uri": "" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "c961d8f48402e6967257600812bda4ad4203cd8ac982df83064c23b6f226c583", "spec_sha": "fe8f362b7e1908713cbaf8f34c7a186ac570b2c299a9b58102dcc8af8f470ec3", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": "", "bug_tracker_uri": "", "changelog_uri": "", "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "google-apis-core", "requirements": ">= 0.15.0, < 2.a" } ] } } |
2024-12-04 18:01:49 UTC |