Lastest updates from
ID | Gem | Version | Body | Updated At |
checkoffCommand-line and gem client for Asana (unofficial) |
0.203.0 | Content{ "name": "checkoff", "downloads": 147570, "version": "0.203.0", "version_created_at": "2024-11-30T19:34:42.601Z", "version_downloads": 0, "platform": "ruby", "authors": "Vince Broz", "info": "Command-line and gem client for Asana (unofficial)", "licenses": [ "MIT license" ], "metadata": { "rubygems_mfa_required": "false" }, "yanked": false, "sha": "277840395f94654246211ecc8dcb04045560e985af25ebc1674c84fcb240be21", "spec_sha": "758d9bb89c10dc836d07236803cf3ee95bc411bf6661d4df106567ff20489ffc", "project_uri": "", "gem_uri": "", "homepage_uri": "", "wiki_uri": null, "documentation_uri": "", "mailing_list_uri": null, "source_code_uri": null, "bug_tracker_uri": null, "changelog_uri": null, "funding_uri": null, "dependencies": { "development": [], "runtime": [ { "name": "activesupport", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "asana", "requirements": "> 0.10.0" }, { "name": "cache_method", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "gli", "requirements": ">= 0" }, { "name": "mime-types", "requirements": ">= 0" } ] } } |
2024-11-30 19:34:46 UTC |
7J0DApIcscXXYlc0-Z-BE |
brickAuto-create models, views, controllers, and routes with this slick Rails extension |
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2024-11-30 19:27:46 UTC |
lxjOOKYXlX-CzDaLg7HeK |
playwright-ruby-clientThe Ruby binding of playwright driver 1.48.2 |
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2024-11-30 19:07:47 UTC |
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staticzCreate websites with haml and sass, and compile them into static html and css |
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2024-11-30 18:53:15 UTC |
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wait_upPlay sound files slowly so you can follow along |
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2024-11-30 18:20:28 UTC |
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jekyll-blogcli blog tool |
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2024-11-30 18:16:09 UTC |
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tracyFun with tracing |
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2024-11-30 17:55:45 UTC |
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jekyll-llmstxtGenerate llms.txt for Jekyll site |
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2024-11-30 17:44:22 UTC |
YCeUspFOH9Mj4xbwmuWtr |
non-digest-assetsRails provides no option to generate both digest and non-digest assets. Installing this gem automatically creates both digest and non-digest assets which are useful for many reasons. Currently supports sprockets only. |
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2024-11-30 17:42:53 UTC |
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mkmapiSimple MagicCardMarket API v2.0 (MkmapiAPI) library for Ruby |
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2024-11-30 17:23:15 UTC |
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plutoniumPlutonium extends Rails' capabilities with a powerful, generator-driven toolkit designed to supercharge your development process. It transforms the way you build applications with Rails, optimizing for rapid application development. |
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2024-11-30 17:18:01 UTC |
dLIz2uFFUxe4XscDjMclL |
zen-engine-rubyRuby FFI bindings for the Zen library |
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2024-11-30 17:07:29 UTC |
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zen-engine-rubyRuby FFI bindings for the Zen library |
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2024-11-30 17:07:10 UTC |
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zen-engine-rubyRuby FFI bindings for the Zen library |
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2024-11-30 17:07:01 UTC |
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zen-engine-rubyRuby FFI bindings for the Zen library |
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2024-11-30 17:06:49 UTC |
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zen-engine-rubyRuby FFI bindings for the Zen library |
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2024-11-30 12:54:31 UTC |
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2024-11-30 06:50:22 UTC |
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2024-11-30 03:37:16 UTC |
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2024-11-30 03:34:40 UTC |
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2024-11-30 02:47:58 UTC |
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2024-11-30 02:38:35 UTC |
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2024-11-30 02:27:23 UTC |
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2024-11-30 02:20:34 UTC |
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2024-11-30 02:09:21 UTC |
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2024-11-30 01:51:55 UTC |
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2024-11-30 01:37:59 UTC |
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2024-11-30 00:21:36 UTC |
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2024-11-30 00:12:18 UTC |
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2024-11-30 00:09:19 UTC |
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2024-11-29 23:58:54 UTC |
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2024-11-29 23:36:55 UTC |
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rodauth-omniauthRodauth extension for logging in and creating account via OmniAuth authentication. |
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2024-11-29 23:14:18 UTC |
faraday-aws-xrayFaraday middleware to instrument spans for AWS X-Ray. |
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2024-11-29 22:48:38 UTC |
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wolf_coreRepository to store shared code among Ruby projects. |
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2024-11-29 22:47:54 UTC |